The Tamil Nadu government said on Wednesday that Samsung India Electronics has met the majority of the requests of workers who went on strike on September 9 and reaffirmed its desire that staff return to work immediately. In a similar event, on...
Ratan Tata, Tata Sons' chairman emeritus and an iconic industrialist who helped construct one of India's largest and most important companies, died on Thursday at a hospital in Mumbai. He was 86. He was hospitalized to the Breach Candy...
A group of more than 1,000 striking workers at the Samsung Electronics facility in southern India rejected the company's salary rise settlement offer, as the sit-in protest entered its second month on Wednesday. The strike is India's...
The government's push for sustainability in the IndiaAI Mission graphics processing units (GPU) tender, which requires bidders to have a power usage effectiveness (PUE) of less than 1.35, has data centres concerned because it will force them...
Tata Technologies and BMW Group have formally inaugurated their joint venture, BMW TechWorks India, a 50:50 collaboration aimed at providing cutting-edge digital solutions in the automotive industry. This partnership will concentrate on...
The Tamil Nadu government has established the'most probable cause' of the fire that devoured the Tata Electronics factory in Hosur, according to sources familiar with the situation. "The fire broke out in the Anodising plant...
Ola CEO Bhavish Aggarwal had an online argument with comedian Kunal Kamra on Sunday. The company's stock dropped 9% on Monday as furious consumers flooded social media. Ola Electric appears to be facing problems that are unlikely to be...
Reliance Jio has requested telecom regulator Trai to issue a new document on spectrum allotment for satellite communication, claiming that it misses the critical topic of establishing a fair playing field between satellite and terrestrial...
In a significant development in the continuing strike at Samsung Electronics' Sriperumbudur plant, the business signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with representatives of its employees, except the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (Citu),...
Azbil Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange Code: 6845) announced its participation at the seventh Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP) taking place from October 14 to 16. Under the theme "Empowering Sustainable Future through...
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